We invite you to read our brochures and resource guides written specifically for you based on our years of experience and interactions with thousands of patients.

A Resource Guide for Temporomandibular Disorders

A Resource Guide for Temporomandibular Disorders. This brochure is a straightforward, easy-to-read booklet that guides patients in how to make health care decisions. Please share it with those who would benefit from learning about TMJ disorders – including your dental and health care professionals, family members and others.

Temporomandibular Disorders -
Dental Care and You

Temporomandibular Disorders – Dental Care and You. Routine maintenance of the teeth and gums is important in the overall management of TMJ disorders, as it helps to reduce the risk of dental disease and the need for invasive dental treatments. This guide provides oral hygiene self-care tips that you can do at home, as well as suggestions for dental appointments.

Nutrition Guide Booklet

TMJ Nutrition Guide Booklet. The pain and jaw dysfunction associated with TMJ disorders often affects your ability to chew and swallow food. How and what you are able to eat can seriously compromise your nutrition and health status – an aspect of TMJ that is often overlooked by patients and health care providers. We specifically developed this guide to help those with compromised oral function maintain a healthy diet in spite of oral disability.

Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions - Brochure

Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions Brochure. Many patients with TMJ disorders also have a number of other medical conditions, including Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions (COPCs). This easy-to-read brochure addresses how COPCs are diagnosed, the complexity of the chronic pain experience, and how to work with your health care provider to develop a treatment plan.

Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions - Patient Guide

Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions – Patient Guide. This patient self-help booklet provides a comprehensive overview of the understanding, diagnosis and medical management of COPCs. It includes topics such as: understanding the nervous system and how the body processes pain; the impact of sleep, mood and other factors on chronic pain; developing an individualized treatment plan; tracking progress; shared decision-making; and improving communication with your clinicians.